Before You Decide To Sell An Investment Property

Donald KarneyUncategorized

Before you decide to sell your investment property it’s crucial for you to gather up certain documents & information regarding the property. These documents will help a licensed Real Estate Broker to determine what a property can realistically sell for based on a investor’s point of view. Besides that, any experienced buyer will ask for basic information regarding operating expenses and monthly cash flow before an offer for purchase. Its better that you be prepared to supply whatever information that is requested by potential buyers even before they ask for it.

Below is a list of what you should at least have ready before you decide to list your property with a licensed Real Estate Broker:

1. Yearly Financial Statements
2. Rent Rolls
3. Leases(Current or Expired)
4. Ongoing Vendor Agreements

In addition, its always a good idea to gather up all Ownership Documents.(Articles of Incorporation, trust agreements, deeds, ect) These documents will come into play when the property comes under contract for closing. I can’t tell you how many times that I have had delayed closings due to missing ownership documents. Gathering up these documents before you decide to sell will save you time and the aggravation of a delayed closing.

Until Next Time,

Donald Karney III,